Labor Day Weekend Sale!!!

Labor Day Weekend Sale!!! Since everybody else seems to be having a Labor Day sale, I didn’t want to be left out. – Double Points on all Graphic Novels!!! – 50% Off all back issues!!! – Quarter books are 10/$1.00 Sale runs Friday thru Sunday. Held items and special orders not included in the sale. […]

Basement Sale Saturday 7/20/13!!!

Basement Sale Saturday!!! Since I opened, I’ve been putting the extra back issues that I purchase down into the basement because there’s no room in the store to put them. Pat has sorted them all alphabetically and made sure that I am stocked in the store. But that has left me with 200+ long boxes […]

Fourth of July Weekend Sale!!!

To make up for being closed Thursday, I am having a special sale through Sunday. Its a Patriotic sale. Double points on anything America related. Captain America. Justice League of America. American Vampire. And it doesn’t just have to have America in the title. Show me why its America related and I’ll give it to […]

Today is Man of Steel Day!!!

Stop into get Superman Unchained #1 and get a free copy of All Star Superman #1. To help celebrate, Double Points on all Superman Graphic Novels and 50% off all Superman Back Issues!!!

Memorial Day Weekend Sale!!!

Since I know you are going to need some reading material this cold weekend, I am having a sale Saturday & Sunday. Half off all back issues!!! Double points on all graphic novels!!!

Free Comic Book Day Info

Here is the info on all of the books that will be available. I will also have even more. I have a book from a small press company called Sparkplug. I will also have lots of extras to add to this list from prior years and some other stuff. The grill will be fired up […]

Double Point Weekend!!!

This is looking like a particularly dreary weekend. Free Comic Book Day is two weeks away. So, I decided to come up with something to keep you reading until then. Double Points this weekend on all Graphic Novels and Back Issues!!! Fill in some holes. Grab some books you’ve always wanted to read. Even better, […]