Basement Sale Saturday 7/20/13!!!

Basement Sale Saturday!!!

Since I opened, I’ve been putting the extra back issues that I purchase down into the basement because there’s no room in the store to put them.

Pat has sorted them all alphabetically and made sure that I am stocked in the store.

But that has left me with 200+ long boxes of back issues that I don’t need in the store right now.

So rather than just let them sit down there, I decided to open the basement up and let you guys have fun digging through them.

All books will be $1 each. To encourage bulk purchasing, I am also going to let you fill a short box for $100. This will include a free short box!!!

So come on down and dig through some back issue boxes. While its not all great, there is plenty of good stuff down there.

Right now this is planned as a one time thing, so act now and don’t miss out!

Posted in Sale.