Introducing Pittsburgh ComicPerks

Taking a cue from Giant Eagle and other retailers, I am introducing a new ComicPerks card.  It works in a similar fashion to the others you are familiar with.  You accumulate points with every purchase you make here. The points accumulate and once you reach 100 points, you get a $10 coupon (or a credit really) towards your next purchase. You can use it anytime after its earned. You can use the next day, or save them and let them accumulate to treat yourself to that item you’ve been wanting, but couldn’t justify spending the money on.

The other neat thing about it is that I can have fun with promotions using it. Say the new Spider-Man movie is coming out. I can offer you double points on all Spider-Man merchandise that weekend. Or anything I want.

Combined with this is my new weekly email (the first one should go out today). In this, I will have news about whats coming the next Wednesday, links to reviews, news about what’s going on in the store AND info about what the current ComicPerks promotion is. I will always have something earning you extra points (be it back issues, graphic novels, all Superman merchandise, etc) as well as special “This Weekend” or “Only this Tuesday” type of specials.

I am even going to offer special deals that you will only be notified about via text message.

Now, the only caveat is that this is replacing the subscriber discount. If you are already getting a discount, this will not combine with that. People who are already getting a discount can choose either system. It works out the same for you, but I think this will give you additional benefits that the standard discount doesn’t.

So come on down and sign up for your ComicPerks card. They’re free. And they look darn good.

Posted in News.


  1. Great idea! Thanks for giving us the option to save while we are feeding our comics obsession!

  2. I think it’s a great idea, looking for forward to your future creative promotions!

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