Double points on anything scary today. Steve Niles writing. Bernie Wrightson art. Even Rob Liefeld art. Show me why its scary and you get double points!!!
Category Archives: Sale
Memorial Day Weekend Sale – Open Memorial Day Too!!!
Show your patriotism this weekend. Double points on anything Patriotic (Captain America, Superman… but not Wolverine – he’s Canadian!). Show me why it’s patriotic and I”ll give you the points! Half off all back issues!!! Also, Dallion will be here Monday 12-5, so its a 4 day sale!!!
Double Points on Anything Godzilla This Weekend!!!
To celebrate Godzilla back on the big screen, Double Points on anything Godzilla all weekend long!
FCBD Sale Continues Today!!! And Star Wars Day Sale to Boot!!!
For those of you who were unable to make it in yesterday, I am continuing all of the Free Comic Book Day Sales. And even though I went through about 99% of the books, there are still a few FCBD books available. Also, in honor of Star Wars Day, Double Points on all Star Wars […]
Free Comic Book Day Info
Here is the info on all of the books that will be available. I will also have lots of extras to add to this list from prior years and some other stuff. I think its at least 100 titles. I found a stash of buttons and rings too. The grill will be fired up and […]
Double Point Tuesday!!!
In honor of some spectacularly craptacular weather and taxes being due today, I’ve decided to reward those who decide to venture out with Double Points on everything today!!!
Double Points Captain America Weekend!!!
Double Points on everything Captain America this weekend!!!
April Fools Day Sale!!! Double Points!!!
I was going to do something like 75% off everything in the store if it’s snowing at the time you were checking out, but that seemed to be tempting fate and I didn’t want the wrath of the entire Pittsburgh area on me. So, lets do a real, easy to accomplish sale. Double points on […]
St. Patrick’s Day Sale – Monday & Tuesday!!!
Double Points on anything green. Green Lantern. Hulk. You explain how it’s green and you get double points on it. Continuing it Tuesday because Monday is one of my short days.
Back Issue Temperature Sale Saturday!!!
Since the weather is going to be nice (for such a short time) I’m going to have a Temperature Sale. Whatever the outside temperature is (according to my computer) is your discount on back issues. All back issues are included (except for the Batman 232 that is on consignment). This does not include older new […]