Good News!!!

Sorry for the lack of posting and failure to get the podcast up recently. Things have been a little nuts the last few weeks. Even taking the holidays into account. The good news is that things should be smooth sailing from here out, in theory. You may or may not know this, but starting last […]

Previews Order Due Thursday!!!

This one kind of snuck up on me (not like I have anything going on). The order is due Thursday. Things are still going to be a little nuts between now and then, so please let me know if there is anything you want from the new previews as soon as you can.

Regular Hours Sunday & Monday

The store will be open 12-5 Sunday & Monday for your last minute shopping needs or just for coming out and getting your regular books to enjoy during your time off. Come down and hassle Matt and Pat. They like that.

Cable & X-Force #3 Preview

So I just go this email promoting Cable and X-Force #3!!!  #1 ships next week. Slow down guys. You’re getting a little ahead of yourselves here.   Marvel NOW! CABLE AND THE X-FORCE #3 FIRST LOOK! Marvel is pleased to present your first look at Cable and the X-Force #3, by the creative team of […]

Closing at 5:00 this Saturday

I just wanted to give you a heads up that, because of the change in Trick or Treating, I will be closing at 5:00 so that I can go Trick or Treating with my kids.  Sorry for any inconvenience.