
So, I’m not sure what to do about the podcast. I can’t do one this Wednesday because my daughter has a band concert at 7:00. I thought about moving it to Thursday. But for the last 3-4 weeks, no one has shown up to do it. I realize that people have moved away and changed jobs and such, but sitting here wondering if anyone will show up has gotten old.

I started doing them on Wednesday because that was the day everyone was at the store. But no one is hanging around anymore. I thought about moving it to Thursday night and we could all talk about the new stuff. But unless I know what people want to do, I am kind of stuck.

That said, I am going to put the podcast on hold for the rest of May. Maybe we can recharge a bit and come back stronger in June. Those of you who still want to do it, or new people who want to join in, talk to me and let me know your thoughts.


Posted in Podcasts.


  1. I plan on swinging by whenever you decide to start up the podcast again…a lot of stuff coming out in June to talk about

  2. Wednesday works for me the only time I usually miss them is when there are pens games. But sinceI don’t live 5 minutes away from the store I usually can only make it there once a week so Wednesdays works for me.

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