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Pittsburgh Comics Podcast Episode #350 – Santa Don’t Play That
The group is back together just in time for the holidays. We answer some questions, talk about some ugly stuff and talk a lot about Batman (and some other books that came out last week).

On the Eighth Day of Festivus, Pittsburgh Comics Gives to You…
25% off All Hardcovers. They make great gifts, you know.

On the Seventh Day of Festivus, Pittsburgh Comics Gives to You…
Buy a $50 Gift Certificate and get a $10 Gift Certificate free! Tell your friends and family! Treat yourself!

On the Sixth Day of Festivus, Pittsburgh Comics Gives to You…
25% off all Hardcovers! They make great gifts, you know.

On the Fifth Day of Festivus, Pittsburgh Comics Gives to You…
50% Off all Games!
On the Fourth Day of Festivus, Pittsburgh Comics Gives to You…
20% off all Statues!

On the Third Day of Festivus, Pittsburgh Comics Gives to You…
Buy 2, Get the 3rd Free on all DC Graphic Novels!!!

On the 2nd Day of Festivus, Pittsburgh Comics Gives to You…
But 2, Get 3rd Free on ALL Marvel Graphic Novels!!!