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On the Sixth Day of Festivus, Pittsburgh Comics Gives To You…
It’s time to get some gifts for others. Buy one Hardcover, get the 2nd 1/2 off!!! Special orders and held items excluded. And a free Adam Warrock concert at 7:00. Come on down. It’s a really fun time.
Wednesday Night!!! Adam Warrock Concert!!! 7:00!!!
America’s Premiere Hip-Hop Comic Book Recording Artist Adam Warrock will be here at 7:00 Wednesday to give a free concert. Come on down, get some books and have some fun!!!
On the Fifth Day of Festivus, Pittsburgh Comics Gives To You…
Double Points on All New Comics!!! This only happens once a year! ***Books in folders excluded. I’m not rewarding you for making me hold stuff.
On the Fourth Day of Festivus, Pittsburgh Comics Gives to You…
25% off all Board and Card Games!!! Does not include full boxes of Magic cards.
On the Third Day of Festivus, Pittsburgh Comics Gives to You…
25% off all Statues and Busts.
On the Second Day of Festivus, Pittsburgh Comics Gives To You…
50% Off All Back Issues!!! And because the weather forecasters are predicting a snow apocalypse, Double Points on all post-apocalyptic books!
On the First Day of Festivus, Pittsburgh Comics Gives to You…
25% Off all Graphic Novels (Does not include special order or items already on sale)
Friday Night Magic Tomorrow!!! 7:00!!!
Tim said so, so it must be true!!!