Welcome and How Things Work Here Revisited

Welcome to all of my new visitors and customers. I first posed this about a year and a half ago, but I realized that I should post it again because I keep getting more new people coming in (which is not a bad thing). Since I started my new email newsletter, my guess is that […]

Trying to Make Sense of the All New Marvel NOW #1s

This is part of the reason Marvel and I are not best friends. They tend to make things really confusing. No, I’m not talking about replacing Peter Parker with Doc Ock or why every book now has time travel after saying that time is broken and they can’t time travel anymore in Age of Ultron […]

Miracleman… Sigh…

So, I posted on the Facebook page yesterday my excitement over eight (8!!!) covers for Miracleman #1 in the new Marvel solicits. This morning I was reading Mike Sterling’s blog, Progressive Ruin (which I do often), and he had some comments about it. Now Mike has been doing this a lot longer than I have, […]

DC and the Villain Month Problem

I spent a lot of time trying to gather information from you guys regarding DC’s Villains Month offerings. Finding out what you wanted and what you didn’t want. Even putting them into the computer took a while because I had to adjust subscriptions, add requests and such. It means nothing to you, but it took […]

Image Saga Huh Wha?!?

Time for another “How Things Work Behind the Scenes” post. Tuesday, Image sent out an email. Normally it is used to give great proclamations like “Speaking of THE WALKING DEAD, did you catch Sunday’s episode? HOLY CRAP. Glenn is a total bad-ass, and we love him.” or “I’ll be straightforward about this: You should be […]

Thought on DC Digital Distribution Timing

For the last week, I’ve been really bugged about something that DC sent out last week. Here is what they sent to us. And below is the letter I just sent to DC.   DC ENTERTAINMENT UPDATE ON DIGITAL DISTRIBUTION TIMING DC Entertainment remains committed to the evolution of the comics business, and we will […]

The Double Shipping Dillemma

This week is a perfect example of why I, as the guy who has to order these books, dislikes double shipping. All New X-Men #1 arrives this Wednesday. I had to make a total guess on how to order it. I doubled what my best X-title was selling. So far I have had 3 (yes, […]

Variants, Variants and More Variants

So I was reading this article (http://www.bleedingcool.com/2012/11/02/the-goosing-of-marvel-now-with-variants-and-discount/) and I began wondering if Rich Johnston had been listening to my podcast. He makes a lot of the same points that I make about the Marvel insanity with the ordering incentives for the Marvel NOW! books. Going through the Marvel Previews during Wednesdays podcast, I noticed that […]

The Variant Issue

Retailer Brian Hibbs did a Tilting at Windmills Column yesterday about variants Bleeding Cool reported on a interview Diamond did with Marvel’s SVP Sales, David Gabriel A few weeks ago I think I mentioned during a podcast that I was giving up on reaching for Marvel variants because they pushed me too far and it […]