Uncanny Avengers Party Details

Marvel NOW! is here! Uncanny Avengers has arrived to usher in the new age of Marvel Comics,

But wait, there’s more. Marvel has also sent me a preview book of some of the new Marvel NOW! books to give you.

More? Sure. DC’s new show, Arrow premieres Wednesday night, so they have also sent me a promo book on this.

Even more?  OK. One word. Cake.  5:00.

Still not enough. Jeez. OK. How about this? All day, all Avengers & X-Men merchandise will be double points. This does not include the new Avengers issues and trades that come out Wednesday (specifically Avengers, AvX Consequences, Marvel Universe vs the Avengers, Secret Avengers, Uncanny Avengers, Wolverine & the X-Men or X-Men and the Avengers Assemble or Avengers Children’s Crusade TP that also come out today. Or any that I might have missed)

Posted in Events, Sale.