Digital Comics

It may be hard to believe, but I am not a big fan of digital comics.  I remember many a trip to Grandma’s reading comics in the back seat or spending a rainy day in my room reading.  I don’t see kids getting the same enjoyment out of a iPad, if they even have them.  I enjoy the feel of a comic book, reading it stretched out on the sofa, with no need for an internet hotspot.

But, at the same time, I realize that this may be the direction the industry is going.  There seem to be a lot of “ostrich” stores, those who are saying that if we ignore digital it will go away.  That if we refuse to support it now, we can get a better deal on our cut and maybe stall it in its infancy.  Part of me agrees with them, but part of me also knows that people are going to want to at least try digital comics.  So why ignore it.

I have opened up 2 digital comics stores, one for just DC and one for everyone else, through Comixology.  The links are on the sidebar.  There will be more once iVerse (the company teaming up with Diamond Comics Distributors) gets going.  Marvel will probably end up doing their own thing, crashing the distribution model and then joining one of the others (oh, wait, that was print distribution in the 90s).

It looks like it won’t be active until August 18th.

While I am not a proponent of digital comics, if you want to try them, at least click through my link for them.

Posted in Digital Comics.


  1. i agree!! only reason i use Digi Comics is for work. Even tho i still have to have the actual comic even if i downloaded

  2. I agree with you I love comic books and can’t get enough of them it is just not the same by the way I am 11 am i also able to come to magic on friday night.

  3. No thanks I’ll stand by my friendly neighborhood comic shop until digital is the only format available.

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